Welcome to the Archives of Second Spring and the Centre for Faith & Culture 8 May, 2017

Over the years, we have built up an extensive archive of online reading, articles, and research at the Centre for Faith & Culture. Rather than transfer all of this across to the new Second Spring main site, we decided to leave this subsection much as it was at the time of Stratford’s death. You’ll also find reports on events we held and publications we were involved in over the years.

We draw your attention especially to the following:

  • Online Reading: This page offers a broad range of articles, mostly not published in the journal itself, that we hope will also be of interest to our readers.
  • About Christianity: In this section, we want to help you explore this tradition in order to find resources that may help you in your search for the true, the good, and the beautiful.
  • Other Religions: Dialogue between religions could be described as a fundamental challenge of our times. It is by taking religion seriously, in a common search for the truth, goodness, and beauty no human being and no religion can exhaust or monopolise, that the key to peaceful dialogue must lie.
  • Economy: Our “Sane Economy Project” was dedicated to exploring Catholic Social Teaching —not just the principle but also the applications in areas such as Economics, Politics, Ecology and Sustainability, Distributism and other alternative economic paradigms, and is as relevant today as when the project began in 2009.
  • Guide to Oxford: Oxford is well known for its beautiful architecture, not to mention its extraordinary research facilities. This page focuses on Oxford’s Christian communities and heritage.

You may also be interested in Stratford Caldecott’s three blogs: