

The following is a selection of the books published by T&T Clark in association with the Centre for Faith & Culture. Please note that in N. America many of these books are with other publishers. For fuller details on each title currently available in the UK, see or

Catholic titles

Hans Urs von Balthasar, Spirit and Fire (an important Origen anthology)

Jean Borella, The Sense of the Supernatural

Louis Bouyer, The Invisible Father (on the development of religions)

Nicholas Boyle, Who Are We Now? (globalization and modern identity)

Stratford Caldecott (ed.), Beyond the Prosaic (about the liturgical reform)

S. Caldecott and J. Morrill (eds), Eternity in Time (Christopher Dawson)

William T. Cavanaugh, The Theopolitical Imagination

Gavin D'Costa, The Meeting of Religions and the Trinity

Celia Deane-Drummond, Creation Through Wisdom

Michael Ffinch, Newman: Towards the Second Spring

David Foster (ed.), The Catholic Prayer Book

Michael Gaudoin-Parker, Hymn of Freedom: Celebrating and Living the Eucharist

Raymond Gawronski SJ, Word and Silence (Buddhism and Christianity)

Ian Ker, Newman and the Fullness of Christianity

Ian Ker (ed.), Newman and Conversion

B. McGregor and T. Norris (eds), The Beauty of Christ (the theology of Balthasar)

Paul McPartlan, The Eucharist Makes the Church

Paul McPartlan, Sacrament of Salvation

Francis Martin, The Feminist Question

John D. Miller, Beads and Prayers (history of the Rosary)

Francesca Murphy, Christ the Form of Beauty (theology and literature)

Francesca Murphy, The Comedy of Revelation

Aidan Nichols OP, Christendom Awake

Aidan Nichols OP, The Panther and the Hind (a theological history of Anglicanism)

Noel O'Donoghue, The Mountain Behind the Mountain

Marie-Dominique Philippe, Retracing Reality (a modern Thomist philosophy)

Servais Pinckaers OP, Sources of Christian Ethics

Dermot Power, A Spiritual Theology of the Priesthood

Mary Timothy Prokes, Towards a Theology of the Body

Patrick Riley, Civilizing Sex: Chastity and the Common Good

Jonathan Robinson CO, On the Lord's Appearing (prayer and tradition)

John Saward, The Way of the Lamb (the spirituality of childhood)

David L. Schindler, Heart of the World, Center of the Church

Mary Shivanandan, Crossing the Threshold of Love (John Paul II and marriage)

Robert Spaemann, Happiness and Benevolence (philosophy of ethics)

David Torevell, Losing the Sacred (on liturgical reform)

Paul Turks, Saint Philip Neri

Thomas G. Weinandy OFM Cap., The Father's Spirit of Sonship

Paul Williams, The Unexpected Way (on converting from Buddhism to Catholicism)

Susan Wood, Spiritual Exegesis and the Church (on Henri de Lubac)


From the Eerdmans Ressourcement series

Bernanos, The Heroic Face of Innocence

Maurice Blondel, The Letter on Apologetics

Jean Danielou, Prayer: The Mission of the Church

Dorothy Day, On Pilgrimage

Romano Guardini, Letters from Lake Como

Henri de Lubac, The Discovery of God

Henri de Lubac, Medieval Exegesis (Vols 1 and 2)

Charles Peguy, Portal of the Mystery of Hope

Joseph Ratzinger, In the Beginning (on interpreting the book of Genesis)

Angelo Scola, Hans Urs von Balthasar (theological style)


Orthodox and Anglican titles

Bryan Spinks and John Fenwick, Worship in Transition

George MacDonald, The Wind from the Stars

John Macquarrie, Mary for All Christians

Charles Miller, The Gift of the World (the theology of D. Staniloae)

Philip Sherrard, Christianity: Lineaments of a Sacred Tradition

Dumitru Staniloae, The Experience of God (Vols 1 and 2)

Paul Valliere, Modern Russian Theology: Bukharev, Soloviev, Bulgakov

Rowan Williams, Lost Icons

Rowan Williams, Sergii Bulgakov (Russian political theology)