
The Radiance of Being
Dimensions of Cosmic Christianity

Stratford Caldecott

Beauty in the Word: Rethinking the Foundations of Education

Published by Angelico Press

Information on Beauty for Truth's Sake blog

Beauty for Truth's Sake: On the Re-enchantment of Education

Published in July 2009 by Brazos Press

Additional material and Blog of the book

For articles by Stratford Caldecott on this site see our main ARTICLES section

Leonie Caldecott     Stratford Caldecott

 An Introduction to Catholicism for Beginners

Published by Granta Books


For articles by Leonie Caldecott on this site see our main ARTICLES section

 All Things Made New: The Mysteries of the World in Christ
(Angelico Press/ Sophia Perennis, 2011)

"All Things Made New" BLOG

Stratford Caldecott


The Power of the Ring

Additional material




Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings – Sources of Inspiration

The Seven Sacraments: Entering the Mysteries of God

Recommended by Aidan Nichols OP, Scott Hahn and Alban McCoy, this book explores the mystery of the sacraments for adults.

Reviews of the book.

Erratum for page 29.

Additional Material



Beyond the Prosaic

Edited papers from the influential 1996 conference on the coming reform of the liturgical reform, praised by the then Cardinal Ratzinger as a "sign of hope" in the Church.



Books by Stratford and Leonie Caldecott from CTS
Fruits of the Spirit

Read the full text

Spiritual Children of Therese
Catholic Social Teaching

For additional material see here  

Catholic Social Teaching

Understanding the New Age Movement

For additional material see here

Companion to the Book of Revelation


Catholicism and Other Religions

Philip and Carol Zaleski
Prayer: A History by Philip and Carol Zaleski

The Best American Spiritual Writing 2005, edited by Philip Zaleski

The Book of Heaven, edited by Carol and Philip Zaleski

The Recollected Heart by Philip Zaleski

Otherworld Journeys by Carol Zaleski

The Life of the World to Come by Carol Zaleski

Edward Hadas
Human Goods, Economic Evils



Other Publications

The Catholic Church and the World Religions: A Theological and Phenomenological Account, edited by Gavin D'Costa (


There is no single standard textbook that outlines the official Roman Catholic theological position in relation to other religions which then explicates this orientation theologically and phenomenologically in relation to the four main religions of the world and the flowering of new religious movements in the west. This book addresses this serious gap in the literature. After outlining the teaching of Vatican II and the magisterium (chapter one), each subsequent chapter will be divided equally between (a) an exposition of the history and features of the religion or movement being studied; and (b) a serious theological analysis of these features, showing how these religions do have elements in common, as well as how they differ in fundamental ways from Catholicism.


Preface. 1. Catholic Theology of the World Religions (Professor Gavin D'Costa). 2. Catholicism and Judaism (Dr Roy Schoeman). 3. Catholicism and Islam (Dr Christian Troll SJ). 4. Catholicism and Hinduism (Dr Martin Ganeri OP). 5. Catholicism and Buddhism (Professor Paul Williams). 6. Catholicism and the New Age Movement (Stratford Caldecott). Bibliography and further reading.